Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Picture Perfect Day! 8/16/2011

Today was a beautiful day for a walk.

When I arrived at the beach today there was a slight breeze and the air felt a little cool.  There was no humidity.  It was a beautiful blue sky with barely any clouds.  The sun was shining brightly.

As I approach the water, I notice how blue and clear it is today.   The water is very calm today at times quite serene.

As I stroll along (not power walking yet), I notice the waves as they roll in are are very quiet and they look like glass.  They just lap in very silently.  This is a very calming feeling.  Great feeling for my blood pressure!

The water is so clear, calm, blue and sometimes green looking that it is just the most beautiful sight!

I can't stop taking pictures of the blue water.  After looking at the brown water for the last few days this is a very welcome sight.  Just Gorgeous!

Once again today the dolphins were far out in the gulf.  I did manage to get a little snippet of one coming out of the water!  Get your magnifying glass out to see it and don't blink you might miss it!

As I am trying to take video of the dolphins, in order to not just get a long video of just the water, I turn the video on and off every 5 to 10 seconds.  I end up with about 20 videos and only two have the dolphins actually in them.  They look the same so I am just posting the one.

While doing this snapping the video on and off waiting for the dolphins, I get the next video.

I couldn't have gotten this video if I had been following the bird for an hour!  This was so funny!  He got the fish and off he went.

I cannot believe how clear the water is today.  This is probably the clearest I have seen the water.  And the funny thing about that is, there is nothing in there to look at today.  Nothing except seaweed!

I can see a few minnows, in one area.

But that is it.  All the crabs are gone.  Only a few dead ones on the beach.

No live ones in the water.   There is not one stingray around, not in the water or washed up on the beach.  Amazing that they are all gone.  I come across one jellyfish.

There is nothing today.  No birds.  Stretch and the gang aren't around today either.  I miss my friends!  Yeah, you too!

When I get down to the pavilion, I find a dead stingray floating in the water.  He is more what you picture when you think of a stingray.  Not the ones I have been seeing.  He is floating upside down.  He has the long thin tail.

So after seeing this stingray, I decide to research the stingrays that I have been seeing.

This stingray is know as a "Lesser Electric Ray".  Here is a link to Wikepedia that tells you about this ray if you want more info.  Wikepedia - Lesser Electric Ray.

On my way back up the beach, I finally run into some seagulls.

When I turn around to look back at the water, I find this huge sail boat out there.  I never saw this boat coming.

As I continue to gaze out and be mesmerized by the clear, blue water and enjoying the sailboat, I notice a disturbance on the water.

I'm not sure exactly what it is.  It moves across the water.  My best guess is that it is a large school of fish chasing other fish.  It is a bit different from the "feeding frenzies" that I have described in previous posts.  It looks different but it has the jumping fish out of the water aspect to it.  So that is what I think it is.

While filming this, who comes flying by but my buddy "Stretch"!

He lands and takes off before I can go and get any pictures of him.  Guess he's mad at me.  Probably feels abandon since I am not there in the early morning.

I continue on back to the pier and come across another of one of these schools of fish.

These are just fascinating to watch!

As I walked along the beach today just enjoying the clear, blue water and the blue sky, today's music is all my favorites!  I put my Zune on shuffle when I walk.  I can never decide what I want to listen to.  So I figure a little of everything will be good.  I have over 6,000 songs on my Zune so I get amazed when I get to hear my four favorite singers all in the same day.  And not just one song from each.

Today, I hear about 5 Barbra Streisand songs.  All very easy going songs so they go great with the scenery.  When I'm into a power walk, Celine Dion's "River Deep, Mountain High" comes on.  I love this song so this helps me keep the power walking going.  I also hear Donny Osmond sing  "The Twelfth of Never".  His version from when he was 13.  Took me back to when I was 13!   And of course, my very favorite, Josh Groban came on for a few songs too!

So today's walk was just an enjoyable, picture perfect walk!

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