Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Picture Perfect Day!

Today was another beautiful day at the beach!  It was the same as yesterday except there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was a bit more humid and hot today than yesterday.  Not too much more hot and humid, so it was another enjoyable walk.

The water is the same as yesterday, calm, serene, blue and like glass at times.  

The waves again today, as they roll in, are very quiet and they look like glass again today.


There is still some seaweed today.  It is in clumps along the shore not a solid stretch all the way down like the other day.  It seems to be going away.  There is very little on the beach.  All the dead crabs on the beach are gone today.

The water is just so clear again today but not much happening in it.  There are a few live crabs today.  Not many though.  Not like a few days ago.

I can see some small fish.

And then some  a little bigger.

 Right in the middle of the picture below, there are even two bigger fish.

That was it!  Nothing else.  When I looked up, I saw my friend "Stretch" down the beach.

I head on down to say hi and take some pictures of him.  I am addicted to taking pictures of him.  I can't take just one.  He totally amazes me at how close he lets you get to him.  

He doesn't move.  He stands very still.

 I take several shots of him as I get closer and closer.

 Finally he moves.  I could not believe how still he stood and for so long.

 He turns around and walks away from the water up onto the beach.

Now that I have gotten my photo fix of Stretch in, I move on down the beach.  I start to power walk since there is nothing to look at on the beach or in the water.  

Some pelicans fly by me and land in the water up ahead.  I am excited to see that they are within picture taking distance, so I really put the power walk on.

 I am just getting into picture range, when they take off down the beach and land not too far away.

So I continue power walking on down to them.

As I get closer, I can now get some really good pictures of them.   Suddenly my phone rings.  No one ever calls me on my walk.  So I check to see who it is.  It is Mitchell.  He drove Michael to school today so I answer it to make sure everything is OK.  Just as I hang up from talking (about a 1 minute conversation) to Mitchell, the pelicans take off and are gone!

While I am being disappointed at having missed this great chance to take some close up pictures of them, a flock of pelicans fly by.  I was able to film them. 

These birds just amaze me.  They seem so majestic as they fly over the gulf.  It is incredible how close they get to the water and fly over it.  They seem to be just inches above the water.

As I walk along, I am taking note that the "cliff" seems to be almost gone again.  The beach is now very steep in parts.

Below is a picture of the only part on the beach where the "cliff" still seems to be lasting.  There had been a double "cliff" here and the second one is now gone.   Amazing how the beach changes.

Because of these "shifting sands" the sand in some areas where it has changed is not firm and packed well.  So when you walk on it you sink down very deep.  It's a funny feeling.  It really freaks me out when it happens when you are in the water.  I don't like that sinking feeling in the water.  Today there were a lot of spots where it was hard to walk because you would sink deep into the sand.

I see a few of the "feeding frenzies" out in the water today.  Also there are just a lot of random jumping fish.  

That wasn't a wave in the video.  It is the fish jumping all around.

Walking back up the beach, I see a woman and her three children looking in the water and pointing.  So, of course, I speed on up to see what they are looking at.   Because the water is so clear today, I can see a big brown blob in the water.  

As I get nearer, I see a giant stingray.  He is huge! I watch him for about 10 minutes.  He is swimming along the bottom of the gulf in very shallow water.  He occasionally stops for a minute but continues to swim along the shore line, coming into the shore and the going back out in deeper water.

He was amazing to watch.

Today I only find one sand sculpture.

Since there wasn't much to look at today, I thought I would share with you some sand sculptures from past walks, before I started the blog.

A crab - He was the first sand sculpture that I had found on the beach.  He was really cute.

If you look at the top of the next picture there were three crosses that day also.  I don't know why, but I don't have a picture of them.   I only have them in this picture.

 Egyptian Pharaoh - this was quite clever and well done.

Well, I had to take a picture of this next one.   If you don't know, my oldest son's name is Matthew.

This was a small turtle.  Someone stepped right on it.  My kids always want to step on them.  When they are with me I won't let them.  I figured someone worked really hard to make this.  And usually they are really cute.

This person wrote his name again going the other way.  So of course I took another picture.

Not sure what this is.  Maybe a pyramid?

This was a big turtle and was really very good.  Again, someone stepped right on it to ruin it.


A woman.

The next two were from the other day in case you missed it.

I love when people use the seashells on their sculptures.  It really makes them look cute!

Well, since I did the above two from the other day, I had to do this one too!

Hope you enjoyed the sand sculptures!  Today was just "another picture perfect day"!

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