Tuesday, August 23, 2011

As I head on down to the beach today, the dunes catch my attention.

I stop and take a few pictures

I now head on down to the waters edge.

Stretch and the gang are there.  Stretch and RN are under the pier.

Leggs is a bit further down the beach.

It's good to see them there when I arrive.  I miss them not being there when I get to the beach in the morning. So of course, since he is my favorite subject to photograph, I take a bunch of pictures of them.  I know a few of my readers like these birds.  So here are a few pictures of them.

After taking about 40 pictures of them, I move on.

Nothing much today.  There seem to be a lot of shells in the water today.  Mostly broken ones.  Nothing good.

A few of the little white fish that stay on the bottom in the sand.

 Not much happening.  I decide to get full swing into my power walk.  I put the camera away and take off.  Yeah, you guessed it.  As soon as I get going, the stingrays show up!

They come and go very quickly.  Only one group.  So I move on.  I come across this odd beach erosion.

So I stop and take a few pics.  Yes, it is a slow day here at the beach today.  But I am enjoying my walk none the less.

Seeing this erosion makes me think of how the beach is changing again.  I turn around to take pics of the beach.  The "cliff" is gone now and the beach is very steep.

As I stand here and look out at the water, I am up very high from the water.  I feel like if you took sand and put it in front of me all the way to the water.  I would be about 4-5 feet above the water.

This is a great place to spot the stingray.

You can see that the hills are starting to come back.  They have been gone for a while.  You can see in the picture below a little bit of the "cliff" left here.

This is the only place left where there is still a substantial "cliff".  A few weeks ago the "cliff" ran the whole length of the beach.  Now it is just left in this small section.

The rolling hills are starting to come back and they are everywhere.

This bird captures my attention.  These birds usually do not let you get very near to them.  If you get close at all to them they scurry away.  

I was walking along and he was just right in front of me and he wasn't running away.  So I took a few pictures of him.  

I come across another weird sand erosion.  I'm wondering if there wasn't a bad storm here at the beach last night.  That is usually what makes the odd sand erosion.

This is up on the high end of the sand.  So I didn't really notice it on my way down the beach as I started my walk in the water.  Since nothing was happening in the water, I walked back on the upper part because it is flat and easier to walk on than the slope.

Almost to the end.

And Stretch comes up to say good bye!

I'm almost to the pier and I see my friend Linda that I met last week.  We stop and chat for several minutes.  She is fun to talk to and had a lot of interesting things to say.  She asked me if I had seen the sea turtles.  I told her no.  I wasn't sure when they were around and where to look for them.  She told me a bit about them.

They have been laying their eggs and they have been hatching.  They lay their eggs in the dunes and then when the babies hatch they crawl down to the ocean.  She pointed out two areas where there were nests.  She said they had dug little trenches from the nests to the water to make it easier for the babies to get there.  I'm surprised I didn't notice this.  But then again, I have been so busy looking in the water, I have not given the sand any attention.  So tomorrow, I am going to try and find them.  She described their tracks to me.  I told her that I thought that I had seen their tracks and didn't know what they were at the time.

On last Saturday's blog, the footprint photo at the top, I think, after talking to Linda today are the little sea turtle's footprints.  I think the picture at the top of today's blog is their prints also.

As I walk up to the dunes to get my flip flops. I see the little tracks and follow them up to these holes.  

This must be where the nests were and they have crawled out of these holes.  While poking around up in the dunes, what do I find but a flower.  Who knew there were flowers at the beach!  Just lovely!


  1. Really good photos.You totally get the Morning Beach Walk feeling
    I believe those little holes are hiding crabs

  2. Aww,I missed the baby sea turtle tracks,good thing u took a photo,I never would have recognized them.
