Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jellyfish, Crabs & Stingrays - Another Fun Day at the Beach - 08/13/2011

I really enjoyed my walk today.  The gulf was very calm again today.  Very placid today.

There was no breeze again today.  It was very humid.  There was a pretty sunrise this morning.

There were a lot of tourists on the beach today all getting their last walk in before they have to check out later this morning.  

As I first approached the shore, I could see dolphins again today far out in the gulf.  Again no good pictures or video of this.  I stand and watch them for a little while and then move on.

Today on the beach there are a ton of HUGE jellyfish!  I don't think I have ever seen them this big and so many of them.  

I took 59 pictures today of the jellyfish.  I won't bore you will all of them but here are a few.

This one is huge.  It must be 12" wide.

The jellyfish are everywhere.

You have to watch where you walk because some of them are buried in the sand.

The water was clear today and as I was trying to look at the crabs in the surf, I had to watch where I was stepping.  I stepped on two jellyfish (yuk) on this walk.  

There were some dead crabs today on the beach.  However last night there were as many dead crabs as there were jellyfish today.

And today there were only a few dead crabs on the beach, but a lot of live ones in the water.

Crabs are really fast and not photo friendly unless they are dead!

Unlike my friend Stretch, who loves to pose for me!

So I have been trying to get the crabs on video or a good picture.  Today several live crabs washed up on the shore in the surf.  By the time I got my camera out they were back in the water.

Except this little guy!

He knows that I am behind him so he turns around to give me a stare down!  Mitchell said he was giving me the one finger salute if you know what I mean at the end of this video!

Then he is off.  I didn't get a picture but I love these videos of him!

Right after I see him about 20 steps up the beach I come across this little guy.  He is frantically trying to get off the sand and back into the surf.

The next wave in washed him out.

I found four more stingrays on the beach but they were dead.

I flipped this last one over to see what he looked like on the other side.

 When I first started walking this morning there were two really big ones.  Here is one.  He was alive.

A lady was frantically trying to put them back in the water.  I was only able to get a picture of one of them.

I have been walking the beach for 7 weeks now and I have only seen one stingray in that time.  And he was only in the water.  Since last week, I probably have seen at least 12 now between lying on the beach and swimming in the water.  Funny how you never see any and then suddenly every time I turn around there is one.

Last week when we were at the beach and I was just sitting in the beach chair, they were jumping out of the water.  It was funny to see.  I only saw it happen one time.  So I wasn't able to get any pictures of that.  I would have loved to have a video of that.

Last night at the beach there were all these tiny little black pellets.

 I don't know what they were.  There were a lot of them all the way down the beach.  The further I went the more there were.

Also, this is where all the dead crabs were and I wondered if they had anything to do with the crabs dying.  Today the black pellets were almost gone.

The brown algae that was in the water is pretty much gone except down in this area.  There were big spots of it.  It was sort of odd seeing it in spots.

This was all down by the pavillion which is my 30 minute mark.  I also found these awesome sand sculptures.

Thank you Farles Family!  I enjoyed your art work!

Well this was another fun day at the beach.  Can't imagine what tomorrow will bring!

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