Friday, August 26, 2011

Little baby sea turtle footprints.
When I arrive at the beach today, Stretch is on one side of the pier.

  And Leggs is on the other side.

Today I am going to walk over to the other side of the pier and check out the Sea Turtle nest on that side.

I will go here on my way back at the end of my walk.

Stretch is out eating his breakfast.

I see RN farther down the beach.

I get a little too close to Stretch and he doesn't like it today.

Sorry Stretch.

 He gets mad at me and flies away!

He goes up under the pier with Leggs.

As turn to start my walk, I notice right away that the "cliff" is not forming like I thought it would.  It is almost gone.  I thought it would have gotten bigger today as it has done in the past.  

However, today, it is smaller than yesterday.

While I am walking, observing this and listening to Celine, I hear a loud noise overhead.  I look up to see a helicopter coming by.

It passes by quickly and I get my peace and quiet back.  I see a school of small fish.

Then there is a school of even smaller fish.

These were both large schools and they went on for quite a while.  Next I notice a bunch of crabs today.

Every small dark spot in the picture is a blue crab.

As I continue walking I notice that here the "cliff" is gone.  It was little yesterday but it is back to the way it looked the other day.

This bird is cute and for some reason he lets me get close to him.  Usually this bird doesn't get anywhere near you.

I guess he is intent on eating and doesn't care today.

Here is my seashell find for the day.

Yesterday I found this one by the sea turtle nest.

I stop and check on the nest.

It is still there.  Don't see any eggs.  I meet Linda by the nest.  I head back up the beach with her.  I'm going to go now and look at the other nest on the other side of the pier.

 Below is one of those disturbances on the water.  These are fun to watch.  We wonder what causes them.

We see some stingrays swim by.

Then another group.

I try to get a closeup of one.  When I see this picture, I get mad that I didn't have my camera on zoom.  This was a really good shot.  Too bad I didn't have the zoom on.

We see another different kind of stingray.  I wonder if he is the same one I saw yesterday.

Heading back up to the pier, I see Stretch is still hanging out.

Leggs is over on the other side  of the pier.

Again, I get a little too close for comfort and she takes off.

On the other side of the pier there is a sand sculpture.  At first I think it is a bird, Linda thinks it is a bat.  After walking around it, I decide that I think it is a devil ray.

We make it up to the other sea turtle nest.

It's a long way to the water!

There are a few baby tracks.

Well, I have enjoyed my walk up the beach with Linda.  We say good bye and I head back down to the water.

I see several of these little fish.

Not many seagulls around.  Have really seen a big meeting in almost a week now.  I wonder where they all are?

See some more minnows.

Here is a view of the pier from the other side.

I am now nearing under the pier.  I see why Stretch likes hanging out up here.

 There are a lot of little fish here.

Something is swimming at me and I can't quite make it out.

 As it turns I see that it is a big fish.

I move further under the pier and it is loaded with fish.  Now wonder Stretch hangs out here so much!

Well, this morning as I took my walk I thought that I would probably blog a few more days and then stop until we got moved.  Well, I have decided that I won't blog anymore until after we move.  This take a lot of time to do.

After Labor Day I will start the blog up again.  If anything new and interesting shows up at the beach, I will post just the picture or video.  No real blogging.

You know a ton of new stuff will happen in the next week!

Hopefully I can still squeeze a walk in every day.  Until then!